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Strengthen strategic approaches to maritime security in Nigeria and Ghana

This project was funded by the Danish government and administered by UNODC. CEMLAWS Africa implemented the project in both Nigeria and Ghana. The aim of the project was to strengthen the development of sustainable and cohesive institutional arrangements for maritime security by enhancing the strategic basis for decision-making and the practical interaction between relevant actors, including the national maritime authorities, navies, maritime police, and other law enforcement and justice actors in both Ghana and Nigeria.

The engagement built upon the existing mandates and the leadership of national authorities in the two countries.

AMARIS (Analysing Maritime Insecurity in Ghana) Project:

CEMLAWS Africa implemented the Maritime Governance aspect of the AMARIS project. AMARIS was a three-year research and capacity-building project led by the University of Copenhagen and implemented alongside the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) and the University of Ghana. The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and administered by DANIDA.

The primary objective was to conduct a comprehensive study of maritime security in Ghana to identify best practices and assess the various challenges identified by the sector in Ghana.

Support to the Implementation of the Offshore Protocol of the Abidjan Convention:

CEMLAWS Africa supported the implementation of the Offshore Protocol of the Abidjan Convention in four designated countries – Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Sierra Leone. The project was funded by the MAVA Foundation and coordinated by IDDRI. CEMLAWS Africa provided expert support for the ratification and implementation of the Abidjan Convention’s Offshore Protocol in the four countries – Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.

The project was executed alongside the Abidjan Convention Secretariat and the United Nations Environment Programme. The assignment involved each of the following for all four countries:

• Promoting the ratification of the Offshore Protocol.

• Comprehensive analysis of implementation efforts.

• Conducting National Consultations to provide support to government officials in enhancing the implementation process.

Development of National Integrated Maritime Strategy (NIMS):

CEMLAWS Africa was awarded a grant to support the development of the National Integrated Maritime Strategy (NIMS) under the Security Governance Initiative (SGI) Joint Country Action Plan (JCAP). The maritime strategy anchored on effective ocean governance and investments in the blue economy, which seeks to provide Ghanaians with a comprehensive and viable roadmap towards ensuring the safety and security of its maritime domain. The NIMS presents an integrated and coherent approach towards addressing emerging maritime threats, thereby improving efficiency and effectiveness of efforts and actions amongst all relevant actors.

Monitoring of Ghana’s Closed Season for Artisanal Fishermen:

In a bid to avert Ghana’s depleting fish stock, the government announced a closed season for artisanal fishers from May 15 to June 15, 2019. The measure was considered to be one of the tools for effective conservation and management of fisheries. CEMLAWS Africa’s field experts monitored and assessed the closed season for the artisanal fisher-folk throughout the designated period. The objective was to engage fisher-folk and other relevant stakeholders on the closed season and to gather essential information pertaining to the closure. Twenty-two fishing communities were engaged.

CEMLAWS Africa launched a report on the findings of the observed closed season and presented relevant recommendations to serve as a guide for future bans. In attendance were relevant stakeholders including Members of Parliament, representatives from USAID, Fisheries Commission, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development and many other development

partners and NGOs.

A Case Study Of Ghana’s Fisheries Sector – Dialogue On Governance, Investment & Security

This project was in alignment with the Hi 5 agendas of the Africa Development Bank, specifically, Feed Africa, Integrate Africa, and Improve the Quality of Life of Africans. The aim of these strategies was to promote trade, maritime security, and capacity development. The major areas focused on supporting fish value chains and fostering regional transboundary trade corridors on fish trade, maritime security, and combating IUU and other threats to sustainable fisheries. Goal 14 of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 14) also recognized that the oceans presented great economic, environmental, and social benefits that contributed substantially towards sustainable development.

Pursuant to the above overview, the African Development Bank, in collaboration with CEMLAWS Africa and other partners, organized an online dialogue session on these common areas of interests to reinforce sustainable fisheries through relevant discourses and building capacities.

US-GH SGI Maritime Legal and Institutional Review

CEMLAWS Africa supported the development of the analytical report titled “Review of Ghana’s Maritime Legal and Institutional Framework.” The Centre undertook a comprehensive legal and institutional review of the relevant legislation, policies, practices and authorities in Ghana’s maritime security environment, which resulted in a written analytical report addressing strengths, weaknesses and challenges and opportunities. The study analyzed Ghanaian substantive legislation, policies and practices applicable or prevalent in the maritime focus area. The review covered relevant international conventions and protocols commencing with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC).

Fisheries Observer Training for Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development under the WARFP of the World Bank

The Centre for Maritime Law and Security Africa was contracted by the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development under the West African Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP) of the World Bank to conduct a Fisheries Observer Training Programme. The intent was to ensure fishing vessels compliance to fisheries rules and regulations and as part of efforts to prevent fisheries offences and manage Ghana’s fish stocks. The programme equipped participants with all essential knowledge and safety practices to function effectively as fisheries observers.

‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information’ - Ghana

FiTI, collaborated with CEMLAWS Africa, to initiate online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Ghana. The FiTI (Fisheries Transparency Initiative) undertook the ‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information’ assessment to assist Ghana in improving accessibility and clarity of fisheries management data in the sector.

The report from taking the stock assessment was completed by April 2023 and presented at an event attended by key stakeholders in the industry, notably the deputy minister of fisheries and aquaculture.

The project was funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative.