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Policy Brief

SUBMARINE CABLES: Strategic Assets, Vulnerabilities, and the Need to Ensure a Robust Protection and Resilience Framework for Ghana

INTRODUCTION In the early hours of March 14, Ghana experienced a nationwide internet outage that caused unimaginable disruption, crippling our daily life. The two largest telecommunication companies, which accounted for over 70% of the market share, lost data connectivity. Several hours later, information crept in – the problem was caused by damaged submarine cables (also […]
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Enforcement of Beneficial Ownership Requirements to Curb Illegal Foreign Participation in Ghana’s Industrial Fisheries Sector

INTRODUCTION Despite the seeming Ghanaian ownership of the industrial fishing fleet in Ghana, the reality is that most of these industrial fishing vessels operate under foreign ownership. The country’s industrial fishery is predominantly reserved for Ghanaians, therefore, both the legal and beneficial ownership of fishing vessels should belong to Ghanaians. In reality, Ghanaians have actively […]
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